i've been traveling and i like it. i missed it. i like that moment the airplane lifts, lurches and you suddenly have a new set of priorities somewhere else in the world. i was in israel for a week and a half after spending the new year with Matty Nakoa as usual. it was an incredible experience, look for the pictures on facespace. i spent a day in NY after getting back to keep the adventure alive and have been re-pumped to be a man of the world ever since. blocked off the calendar and am planning east coast, cross to and down and back west coast, and canada driving trips for the summer with a guitar in the backseat.
you know, just polishing coconuts. that's not dirty, there's these monkeys that washed coconuts in the ocean on an island, and suddenly monkeys on an island many miles away started doing that too. so the universe is listening, and i'm saying somethin
we be mixin on this
pretty psyched. anyone know of mastering houses we might afford?
also, am i the only male who blow drys? got my usual "uncle Jessie" nickname on the israel trip. they're just jealous. i have an excellent technique for the blow dry too. it involves a staged action plan. gotta do a bit, shape it, give it a rest, come back, reattack. you know? otherwise you end up looking like this
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