
larger than life

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so my hetero domestic partner (really - he's got a girlfriend, and i'm married to a strat named cheryl - not that there's anything wrong with that!) got an HD projector. we're watching obama tell us about the economy, Carlos Santana scream on a PRS, and Robert Downey Jr. do whatever he does 8 feet tall. it's pretty great, we're having movie nights, playing giant wii, and since i watch lots of concert dvds in the morning while i eat cereal and panetone and do my calisthenics - i get to study my guitar heroes in action.

i need to work on my faces. SRV made great faces, jimi made this stretched weaving the threads of the universe together face, Clapton makes this pained thang. i need a face. i don't want it to be a face people'll wanna punch it's so goofy, but something emotive. i love john mayer's playing and his artistry since his 3rd record, but his faces make me wanna knock his expensive 2 roks over and yell at him.

been working here at the loft a lot, it's been productive. anyone that syncs things


it's awesome. as my little bro says, i'm livin dream. HJY's playlist makes me almost as mad as JM's faces though. with something in her mouth

oh and i'm doing yoga now, it's pretty intense, my core muscles haven't been this sore since i met paris hilton last year. and my right shin is still dented from a PA head falling on it last week. check out the pic on twitter

follow ericfrench, i post often. also, comment somewhere what you'd like to hear the band cover, we're building our repertoire.

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