www.ericfrench.com! anyone who writes code for a living deserves to be paid well. what a job - at times tedious, at other times horribly frustrating, punctuated with short bursts of pride and excitement. i designed it myself with some help from boygenius.com sean correia. it was fun though, engrossing too. i'm sure it will continue to be interesting. i'm going to keep updating it. all is quiet here in pawtucket aside from the trucks coming back home to the factory loading docks next door. backing in. beep beep beep. i kinda wish my car made that noise, only it might be more sickly at the moment, someone rammed my ass last week on 10 south. the band sounded GREAT today at rehearsal and we're gonna knock em up... dead, dead i mean dead at Jerky's tomorrow. we have a new sign too! email me if you want info on how to get a high quality vynl sign for really cheap. no, not from china. gigs lately have been really fun too, tink's last week was a real blast with Roger Williams U graduates singing along, special guest on harp ronny french (shamon), and announcements from the leader of their softball team - note to self, on breaks at a bar gig TURN THE MIC OFF. memorial day in lincoln was a good time as always too. haven't shaved yet for tomorrow's show... should i do the hyde half beard? should i rock the costume? i have the feeling the boys might still be holding back a little in the wardrobe dept so it might be a little weird. we'll see, i'll concoct something. just need to keep my grandmothers and aunts away from my costuming, they want to sew the holes in my jeans shut. i tell them it's ventilation
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